Friday, February 1, 2008

Chapter 1 Part 2

So there we are, sitting on a golf course casually drinking and chatting getting to know eachother. I discover that this girl went to my "rival" highschool(even though no one really cares. I also find out that she is the one my friend had been talking about, and she just so happened to be going to college 40 minutes away from my school(accessible because we were in a city).

I get to talking to this girl and I realize that shes really cool and so naturally a develop a little bit of a thing for her. All of us on the golf course decide to go to my buddy F's house(he by the way, is the cock blocker) and so we proceed there. We continue to drink heavily and I continue to chat with the girl.

I need to go on a tangent real fast..... i have a huge thing for scene girls. By this I mean those cute girls with brown hair, the ones who wear lots of bracelets and can be seen at indie shows, or the occasional dashboard or john mayer concert. The girl who is idealistic about the world and wants to help people. That kind of girl.... and shes just that type, but I digress.
So anyways, we're all hanging out at my buddy's house and I decide I'm going to try to kiss the girl I was trying to hook up with earlier. So we go off wandering around F's house together (under some kind of drunk pretense of wanting to be foolish) and we end up in his attic/loft thingy on the second floor. We get to that moment once again where my hands are on her hips and we're looking at her, and poof! F shows up and C-Bs me again.

"What are you guys doing up here?"

"Nothing Man."


Anyways, I end up going down to the kitchen to join everyone and I see the girl who I just met, and the more I talk to her the more rad I realize she is(oh yea I DID just say rad, but im not a skater and I dont call my friens "bra").I'm talking to G and the more I talk to her the more I realize that she is that scene girl type which I'm quite fond of. She seals the deal when she picks up my buddy's acoustic guitar and begins to sing me a song about me, something about dinosaurs and semen, im not really sure how I remember that as it was years ago, but whatever, it was funny in a drunk way.

She ends up giving me this cheap little metal ring that she had been wearing on her thumb as a guarantee that I'll remember her. I was cool with that.
A few moments after she leaves with the guy she came with I decide to try one more time to hook up with that other girl. We go into F's basement and after a while I'm laying on the ground and she is straddling me and we're both drunk and laughing and being stupid and I'm finally saying to myself "hell yes, finally the moment I've been waiting for for 5-6 years! When all of a sudden....

F:"Hey guys!"


By the way I think at this time it is important to mention that F had a huge boner for this girl(and by that I mean he really liked her. Fair enough)

And that was how that night ended.

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